Format Show 2011 Speakers

Tim Crescenti

In August 2005, Tim Crescenti launched Small World IFT and within six years, he has cultivated a reputation for developing incredibly unique entertainment projects from around the world.  With over 25 years of television experience that encompasses producing over 145 shows in 61 countries, Tim Crescenti is a trusted name with broadcasters and producers the world over. In 2010, Broadcast magazine named Tim Crescenti as a Top Dealmaker in international television.  While at Small World he has discovered award-winning formats including Big in Japan, The Fan and Silent Library.  Crescenti has recently moved into the scripted format arena, announcing a partnership with Ben Silverman’s Electus on the Asian scripted format The Kitchen Musical, premiering this fall across 18 countries.

Before launching Small World, Crescenti was Vice President of International Production for Fox World, where he covered the worldwide roll-out of Fox’s expanding roster of international formats including Joe Millionaire, Simple Life, and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancée

Before Fox poached him, Crescenti was based in London serving as Vice President of International Formats for Sony Pictures Television International. Tim acquired and introduced such winning formats as Russian Roulette and the BBC 2 mega-hit, Dragon’s Den.